Change log 1.47.0

Change log 1.47.0

Release Date: 19.12.2024
DB Version:



  1. New roles for manual corrections are introduced. All of these roles are subroles of the role Manual corrections but can be assigned separately:
    1. Manual transaction matching:
      Users with this role have access to manual actions associated with the transaction matching. This includes manual actions for:
      1. Matching ECR/EFT transactions
      2. Resetting the transaction matching
      3. Skipping the transaction matching
      4. Setting the expected match date
    2. Manual transaction matching (Extended):
      Users with this role have extended access to manual actions associated with the transaction matching. This includes manual actions for:
      1. All of Manual transaction matching
      2. Creating ECR transactions
      3. Creating EFT transactions
    3. Manual settlement matching:
      Users with this role have access to manual actions associated with the settlement matching. This includes manual actions for:
      1. Matching settlement payments
      2. Resetting the settlement matching
      3. Skipping the settlement matching
      4. Setting the expected match date
    4. Manual settlement matching (Extended):
      Users with this role have extended access to manual actions associated with the settlement matching. This includes manual actions for:
      1. All of Manual bank matching
      2. Creating bank payments
    5. Manual posting processing:
      Users with this role have access to manual actions associated with the posting processing. This includes manual actions for:
      1. Posting bank payments
      2. Resetting the posting processing
  2. Terminals can now be annotated with a Valid to date
  3. The match rule wizards now validate the regex for match key definitions that i contains the group MatchKeyValue
  4. It is now possible to match transactions manually across different mandators
  5. Skip settlement matching is now selected by default when manually skipping an unmatched ECR transaction
  6. Added a validation that for keys of custom fields only word characters and underscores are allowed
  7. Added a validation that fieldnames in the additional export config of posting export rules for the Ledger generic export module only word characters and underscores are allowed
  8. Improved the performance of the Monitoring > Import view


  1. The tenant import module now also disables triggers for the upload processing when disable external triggers is enabled.
    Breaking change: The attribute DisableCollectors has been renamed to DisableExternalTriggers in the tenant-XML.
  2. The connection- and operationtimeout of the SFTP client used by the SFTP collector module can now be configured per the ReconHub instance. The default values are:
    1. Operationtimeout: 30 Minutes
    2. Connectiontimeout: 5 Minutes
  3. In the DATEV upload module, the interval at which the processing of the DATEV import job is checked has been reduced and other small enhancements have been made
  4. The UID of transactions created for 61x Records by the EFT Payone EPA import module has been extended with the line number of the original record
  5. The terminalmapping of TRANSACTN-Records in the EFT GRRCN Amex import module has been adjusted to be as follows:
    1. If a TERMINAL ID is set, the lookup is done for terminals of type POS, EP2 with the transaction's TERMINAL ID on on tag External terminal ID
    2. If no TERMINAL ID is set, the lookup is done for terminals of type Finance with the transaction's PAYEE MERCHANT NUMBER on tag Contract Number or the submission''s SUBMISSION BRANCH ID on tag External terminal ID


  1. The posting reprocessing has been completely revised and accelerated
  2. Temporary files will now be created in a temp directory within the tenant directory instead of using the temp directory of the current machine

Bug fixes


  1. The date range picker now resets to the previous state when cancelling the selection
  2. Setting up 2FA via OTP is now required for all new users for This was not the case for users created via ReconHub due to a bug in an API call.
  3. Private key passphrases with more than 50 characters lead to an error when saving an SFTP collector configuration
  4. The priority was not applied when selecting a template when creating a new bank payment processing configuration
  5. Fixed a bug which prevented job executions being created when creating or editing a EFT RAF collector configuration with multiple merchant ranges
  6. The OU selector in the new blue moon will not show deleted ous anymore
  7. The unique export ID is now also updated when editing a posting export rule
  8. Fixed a bug in the transaction match rule wizard which allowed empty columns to be set for match date definitions
  9. Fixed a bug in the scheduling overview, where executions were not being counted correctly if their execution date differed from their planned date


  1. The amounts for transactions in foreign currencies are now imported correctly by the EFT GRRCN Amex import module
  2. Fixed a bug in the Credit-/DebitAccountAmount calculation of the Ledger Sage Export Module when a VAT rate is defined.
    Important: This is a breaking change. The calulation is now as follows:
    1. No VAT rate defined:
      1. CreditAccountAmount = Booking amount
      2. CreditAccountTaxFields =
      3. DebitAccountAmount = Booking amount
      4. CreditCostCenterValue = [CreditCostCenter]{<}[CreditCostCenterText]{<}[CreditAccountAmount]{>}
      5. DebitAccountTaxFields =
      6. DebitCostCenterValue = [DebitCostCenter]{<}[DebitCostCenterText]{<}[DebitAccountAmount]{>}
    2. VAT inclusive (Credit):
      1. VAT amount = Booking amount * VAT rate / (100 + VAT rate)
      2. CreditAccountAmount = Booking amount - VAT amount
      3. CreditAccountTaxFields = [VATCode]{<}[VATText]{<}[VatAmount]{>}
      4. CreditCostCenterValue = [CreditCostCenter]{<}[CreditCostCenterText]{<}[CreditAccountAmount]{>}
      5. DebitAccountAmount = amount
      6. DebitAccountTaxFields =
      7. DebitCostCenterValue = [DebitCostCenter]{<}[DebitCostCenterText]{<}[DebitAccountAmount]{>}
    3. VAT inclusive (Debit):
      1. VAT amount = (Booking amount * VAT rate) / (100 + VAT rate)
      2. CreditAccountAmount = Booking amount
      3. CreditAccountTaxFields =
      4. CreditCostCenterValue = [CreditCostCenter]{<}[CreditCostCenterText]{<}[CreditAccountAmount]{>}
      5. DebitAccountAmount = Booking amount - VAT amount
      6. DebitAccountTaxFields = [VATCode]{<}[VATText]{<}[VatAmount]{>}
      7. DebitCostCenterValue = [DebitCostCenter]{<}[DebitCostCenterText]{<}[DebitAccountAmount]{>}
    4. VAT exclusive (Credit):
      1. VAT amount = Booking amount * VAT rate / 100
      2. CreditAccountAmount = Booking amount + VAT amount
      3. CreditAccountTaxFields = [VATCode]{<}[VATText]{<}[VatAmount]{>}
      4. CreditCostCenterValue = [CreditCostCenter]{<}[CreditCostCenterText]{<}[CreditAccountAmount]{>}
      5. DebitAccountAmount = Booking amount
      6. DebitAccountTaxFields =
      7. DebitCostCenterValue = [DebitCostCenter]{<}[DebitCostCenterText]{<}[DebitAccountAmount]{>}
    5. VAT exclusive (Debit):
      1. VAT amount = Booking amount * VAT rate / 100
      2. CreditAccountAmount = Booking amount
      3. CreditAccountTaxFields =
      4. CreditCostCenterValue = [CreditCostCenter]{<}[CreditCostCenterText]{<}[CreditAccountAmount]{>}
      5. DebitAccountAmount = Booking amount + VAT amount
      6. DebitAccountTaxFields = [VATCode]{<}[VATText]{<}[VatAmount]{>}
      7. DebitCostCenterValue = [DebitCostCenter]{<}[DebitCostCenterText]{<}[DebitAccountAmount]{>}

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