Change log 1.42.0

Change log 1.42.0

Release Date: 23.05.2024
DB Version:

New features

  1. Exception list view showing all unmatched transactions
  2. Simplified one-to-one matching of transactions 
  3. Balance matching, with which several ECR transactions can be matched with several EFT transactions



  1. Added a new filter Activity log type on the following list views:
    1. Transaction list view
    2. ECR transaction list view
    3. EFT transaction list view
    4. Bank payment list view
This filter can be used to find entities that have been edited manually.
  1. The transaction match state filter and settlement match state filter are now multi select filters on the following list views:
    1. Transaction list view
    2. ECR transaction list view
    3. EFT transaction list view
    4. Bank payment list view
    5. Adjustment list view
  2. Changed the password hashing algorithm to PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA512. During a transitional period, starting with this release, the password will be rehashed during the login. The old hashes will be removed with a later release.
  3. A new field Contract number has been added to the bank payments. This field can be filled automatically via bank payment processing.
  4. The transaction match rule edit view has been redesigned (only available for early adopters)


  1. In the generic import modules, it is now possible to define a valid to date for UID mappings. This enables support for adjusting the UID mapping without migrating the data.


  1. The performance of the scheduler workers has been improved by using database locks

Bug fixes


  1. The modal window was not closed after deleting a terminal proposal
  2. Fixed a bug in the match rule wizards, which could have led to invalid column filter configurations when using the back button
  3. Import configurations could not be deleted if the folder was also used by a collector configuration of a certain type
  4. The type of a terminal or account cannot be changed anymore on tenant and organizational structure import

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